How to Create a Dog Friendly Landscape Design

Since dogs are a large part of many people’s lives, Perth landscapers must consider this when creating a landscape design. After all, dogs have needs, too. Making an outdoor space that does not consider their needs will mean that the dog is always getting into trouble for ruining the garden, or the owner is dissatisfied with the result of the dog’s natural activities. The way out of the dilemma is to plan a dog-friendly landscape design but one that is also person-friendly.
What do dogs like to do?
To do this, you have to remember – or find out – what is natural for a dog to do. Most people know dogs like to roll around on the grass, dig holes, and pee on the lawn. Many people don’t realize that dogs are highly territorial and like to run around the boundaries of their backyard to protect it. The trouble is that most outside areas include a narrow garden along the boundaries.
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